Blogging is hard.

You may think that writing the first blog post is the hardest. In all reality, it’s writing the second — at least to me. After making my first post a few days ago, I felt triumphant. Proud. Then, Monday, I had plenty I wanted to write about. Memorial Day! Family! Rural living! Alas, I forgot.

When I remembered Tuesday, I was kicking myself a bit for missing out on such great topics. And for not blogging. I mean. It’s not like I made a commitment to blog every single day. But that would have been cool. Missed chances. Alas, I got home from work yesterday and decided to relax for a bit before making a post. A bit of relaxation turned into paying some friends a house visit, and I didn’t get home till late.

But no more procrastination! Here I am with another mad rambling. Hold your applause till the end, please.

Since I missed it on Monday, let me take a moment to mention how truly special it is that we celebrate Memorial Day in this country. We dedicate an entire day to pressing pause — both in the public sector and the private sector — in order to remember those who gave their lives for their country. I will express my opinion often on this blog, and at times I get very political, but Memorial Day is not about being on the left or right, up or down. It’s about sacrifice. It’s about America.

By the way, check out the Wikipedia article on Memorial Day. I was surprised to learn that it mentions by alma mater, which apparently has an entire center dedicated to the cause of researching the origins of Memorial Day. Check out Columbus State University’s research on the subject.

Lastly, a shout out to Mr. J — the author of the sole comment on my previous post. I just now realized that comments are set to only appear when approved. My apologies for the delay.

So, internet. What did you do over the weekend? And what plans do you have this weekend?

5 thoughts on “Blogging is hard.”

  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you don’t get to blog daily. Just jot notes on your phone of ideas as they come, and then when you blog… look at your notes for inspiration.
    What good books do you recommend to your readers?

  2. Sup bro. I watched AEW’s Double or Nothing PPV on Saturday, played some Red Dead Redemption 2 over the weekend, and did some cleaning around the apartment. I also just bought tickets and hotel reservations to AEW’s FyterFest in Daytona. That’s gonna be a fun time.

    Lastly, I’ve been wanting to get back into YouTube and maybe do some game streaming and you finally doing this blog that you’ve wanted to do is making me want to do it even more.

    1. You should do it! Let me know when you do so I can subscribe — if you’re using a new channel that is.

  3. I actually had a quiet weekend for once. Getting used to a new job, and the new schedule that comes along with it isn’t always the easiest to do, especially the whole “waking up early in the morning” part. So this weekend was spent catching up on some much-needed rest on my part, hoping that I get to actually do meaningful things this week instead of just filling out paperwork.

    Having actual free time, where I have no obligation to halfheartedly finish homework I have no interest in, still feels alien to me. So, during my time off in the coming weeks, I’ll likely start to explore some areas and hobbies that have had to take a backseat the past few years (That is if I can actually remember what I like to do). Such is life.

    1. My dude, I totally understand. Stick with it. Several weeks went by before I felt like I was actually contributing to my team. It’s worth it when you get there! Those Z’s are important though. Sometimes after a hard week I sleep in for 10 or 11 hours.

      As far as hobbies go, I totally understand that too. Graduating college brings a lot of liberation and with that time you have to figure out what to do. I spent the last half of 2018 binging really good TV shows like Mr. Robot. This year, however, my focus is more on physical activities — house renovations and the like. I recently made a wall of experiences I want to try, like sailing a boat or finishing by Scuba certification.

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