Spring in the Subtropics: A cautionary tale

Being a first time homeowner presents its own set of unique challenges and learning experiences. Sometimes it’s little things — like figuring out how to introduce yourself to your neighbors. Other times, it’s bigger things like figuring out why your fridge won’t stop leaking water everywhere.

And sometimes, you make mistakes for which you pay dearly. Like this morning, when I accidentally turned my AC off, which explains why I came home to a stuffy, humid house today. And why I’m currently sitting in said stuffy house with three fans blowing on me and an ice pack waiting in the fridge.

I can’t complain too much. In my present situation, I have sole control over my thermostat. That’s the first time this has happened to me. Remind me to tell you all about the Great Thermostat War of 2018 sometime. My previous roommate and I could not agree on which temperature the house should stay at.

But now, I am king of my own environment! Accordingly, I keep it most days at a cold, crisp 69 degrees. For the most part, this suits me very well… Except for sometimes in the morning when I’m just waking up and taking a shower.

Such was the case this morning, and accordingly, I turned the AC off for a bit while I was getting ready for work. As I was leaving, I remembered to turn the AC back on so the house would keep cool while I was gone. Unfortunately I did not flip the switch to “Cool” like I thought I did, and was in too much of a hurry to stop and make sure.

It’s presently 77 degrees in my house. The AC has been trying for an hour and a half to combat the fierce Alabama heat.

Anyway, enough about my AC. I think I will survive!

Tonight I visited Jarfly, a new local restaurant in Midtown, for the second time. Jarfly has an interesting variety of cocktails that are a lot stronger than their menu descriptions would lead you to believe. I found this out the hard way when I indulged on my first visit. I can say with confidence that I will remember this visit better, having had my facilities about me this time.

My dining companion was a dear friend who is leaving town for good! We were friends in college and have stayed in contact since. She’s on to bigger and better things, I have no doubt. After many dining experiences in Columbus, one of her last will be the delicious grilled cheese sandwiches that Jarfly has to offer. I, on the other hand, will be back for those grilled cheese sandwiches — loaded with prosciutto, sharp white cheddar cheese, and black truffle oil — many more times.

Hey, I’ve picked up a few more blog readers! (One of whom is my mom — Thanks, Mom!) I’m blogging for myself more than anything, but it’s nice to know people are reading. Those of you who use RSS Feeds, notice the link on the left nav bar!


Lastly, someone asked me which books I would recommend to my followers. I’ll probably make a longer post sometime in the future with a list of good books I’ve read, but in the meanwhile, here are a few I’ve enjoyed recently:

  1. Full Marks for Trying: An unlikely journey from the Raj to the rag trade by Brigid Keenan — The story of a British woman whose childhood was spent in India during the British occupation. When her family returned to London after Indian independence, she had to figure out how to structure her life in strange, gloomy post-war London.
  2. Leviathan Wakes by James .A. Corey: I actually picked this one up well over a year ago, got three fourths of the way through it, and then got busy with work and stopped reading much of anything all together. The first book in the hit series (on which the television show The Expanse is based on), Leviathan Wakes is the most realistic approach to sci-fi I’ve read in a long time. It’s the little things — like how thrust creates artificial gravity — that this novel gets right, and that’s part of the reason it’s been a delightful read. Would recommend for any lovers of science or science fiction.

What are y’all reading?